Category / The Dad Blog

What Comes After My 15 Minutes?

So… how was your week? Did anything exciting happen? Not sure if you heard, but I wrote a blog post that may have gone a little viral. As of writing this sentence, last week’s blog (Dear Hypothetically Gay Son) has been viewed 137,219 times on Ask Your Dad Blog. It was reprinted on The Huffington...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

Dear Hypothetically Gay Son

I ran across this letter on Reddit this morning. It is from a father disowning his gay son. It broke my heart. It’s not the first time that I’ve seen something like this. Living in Utah, it’s a pretty common story. I had friends experience it first hand in high school. This morning was the...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

Circumcision: Update

Hey, remember a few weeks ago when I set the internet on fire by asking whether or not I should lop off the tip of my kid’s wang? And by chop off my son’s penis, I mean consent to minor cosmetic surgery to remove his foreskin, a tradition in Western culture that most likely would...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog
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