A Letter to Pre-Dad Me

Dear John 2010, Hey man, how’s it going! It’s me, you. Well, you from the future. Four years in the future to be exact. Right now you’re probably reading this on your iPhone 3G while Stevie is rubbing cocoa butter on her belly to help prevent stretch-marks from the basketball of a daughter she’s carrying…CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

I’m Not Supermom

Stevie here. I’m the non-baby on the left in picture above. I’ve taken over John’s blog this week because I want to introduce you to someone. She’s called Supermom. It’s a funny phrase people throw around to refer to moms that “do it all”. The soccer moms. The PTA presidents.The moms that make homemade meals from...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

Privacy – Comic

About the artist: Jason Platt, cartoonist, lives in Davenport, IA and is a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design. His web comic, “Mister & Me” is based on the relationship between he and his son, and follows their adventures as they figure out this little thing called life. The comic debuted in...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog
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