Tag / Captain

How to Be a Dad

The first part is easy, unless it’s not. Which honestly, sets the tone for the rest of it. Fear comes next. Then excitement. Then fear. Rinse. Repeat. Next you start asking yourself questions you never thought you’d ask. Am I enough for them? Can I be enough? What can I do to be enough? Was...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

Dear Crappy Parent

Image source: nalejandro (Flikr) I see you.   I see you sitting on park a bench with your iPhone out. Your kid is calling for your attention and it takes three or four times before you recognize that the “Dad” being shouted from the playground is the “Dad” that means you. You look up for...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

Last Night Was Hard

Captain woke up at two in the morning.  Stevie got out of bed, went and got him, calmed him, took him to the potty, waited with him, took him back to bed, comforted him, and then came back to bed. At three in the morning he woke up again. I got up, went and got...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog

We Don’t Hit

This week Huffington Post ran an older post of mine about a fit that Duchess threw in the parking lot of her daycare. For the most part it was well received. The post was actually a year old when they ran it, and it was incredibly interesting to read the comments, most which fairly assumed...CONTINUE READING
Category:The Dad Blog
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